How we are different
The cornerstone to our model is the ability for organizations to design their own ideal mindfulness integration programming in our lab.
Dr. Vaughan brings a background in neuroscience and translational research and quality improvement methodology to design programs including the award winning, Mindfulness-Based Communication Enhancement Program.
Operation Ascent offers more trainings on flow, mindfulness and stress reduction, breathwork and biofeedback. We offer provider training for specific programming in order to further the mission of bringing balance and improved quality of life to those seeking help.
About us
We combine the ingredients mindfulness, performance enhancement, neuroscience, and special forces training to help individuals achieve their maximum potential. Our goal is to create a positive impact for individuals and organizations by providing evidence-based mindfulness programming and techniques that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. We also develop new approaches with grant-funded research for government agencies to enhance cognition, resilience and emotional intelligence.
Through our program, we strive to create an environment where people can learn, grow, and reach their goals by harnessing their mental and emotional strength.